Hatton Smith
  • Economics
  • Mountain Brook, AL

Hatton Smith Elected to College Activities Council at Hampden-Sydney College

2013 Apr 15

Hatton Coulbourne V. Smith II was recently elected to the College Activities Council (CAC) at Hampden-Sydney College, as a representative of the Sophomore class, for the 2013-2014 academic year. The CAC is an arm of student government responsible for planning dances, concerts, movies, and other activities for students. Student government was first introduced at Hampden-Sydney in 1886 and has a long and respected tradition.

Hatton is a graduate of Mountain Brook High School and is the son of Ellen Jackson and Hatton Smith of Mountain Brook.

A private college for men, Hampden-Sydney is ranked in the top tier of liberal arts colleges by U.S. News & World Report. The College is known for its liberal arts curriculum, the Honor Code which stresses individual and collective responsibility, and a focus on the education of young men.